SSP 4: What Is and What Has Been


We've known Andrea for years. She grew up in the same small, rural town that we did. She's been good friends with Mary particularly, and together they have walked through many ups and downs together. In this episode, Mary interviews Andrea about her time in Kenya as a Peace Corps volunteer. We reflect on what its like to go through massive transition in the context of loss and change. 

Loss is universal. Sometimes our losses are small and quickly filled. Other times the loss leaves us reeling. How do we bravely face and learn from our losses? How can we look for beauty and seek understanding in the midst of pain? These are questions that keep returning to Me (Christa) as I move forward. With death, a big move, or changes in my relationships I keep asking, How? How do I do face this? How will I face this next time? Andrea issues a beautiful observation and invitation: we must first lead with openness and humility despite the possibility of loss. Keep learning, keep loving, keep growing.