Mary + Lyndon 


The facts

We are married. We have been for a while.
We are from Colorado. Natives. All our lives. 
We met at CU Boulder. 
We've lived through some big ups and some huge downs. 
We like each other. Most of the time. 

Some places you can find us: 

Riding motorcycles. 
Drinking tea. 
Editing podcasts.
Cooking. We cook a lot.
Working. We work. A lot.
Lyndon: Making furniture
Mary: Facilitating LifePlans
Having friends over for dinner. Listening to their stories. Playing games. 
In jury duty. That happened recently. 
Playing music. 
Rock climbing. 
Sleeping. We sleep a lot. Most humans do.
Working more. And probably driving more. Americans drive a lot.

And so we are:

Moving to Mexico City. 
Teaming up with some awesome people and awesome organizations. 
We want to be a part of systemic change. 
We want to learn. 
We want to love and serve the people on the edges and the margins of society- The people not included in the opportunity we (that includes you) were born into. 
So...we've moving to the eastern side of Mexico City. 
Lyndon will work there full time, doing construction and engineering development work. 
Mary will  probably keep herself busy by  spending most of her time trying to find the best taco stand in all the land. Just kidding. Sort of.
Mexico. Get ready. We are coming for you.