About the Podcast
We're sisters. And we love listening to stories.
We love it. (which is probably why it's hard to write this bio.)
Close your eyes (not really) and imagine this.
It's the early 1990s.
It's small town USA.
It's a rural, western, small, deserty, cowboy town.
Pick up trucks...Hunting rifles...Country music.
Everybody knows everybody. Grocery shopping is a social event.
The county fair is a BIG deal.
Somewhere in a big city Brittney Spears is about to turn 16 and release her first cassette tape (you know, the one with her wearing that denim mini skirt in the cover photo).
Giga-pets and Ferbies are in. Beanie babies and jellie shoes are too.
Most kids are watching Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles and getting to know Mary Kate and Ashley.
But not us.
We are listening.
And listening.
And listening.
To the radio. No TV. Just...old school airwaves.
At the ripe old ages of 8 and 4 we are weekly listeners to Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion. We laugh. Even when we don't get the jokes.
We listen to NPR. And we listen to Christian radio.
And we keep it up for a decade.
Saturdays are important. Lots of serious fun.
(It's important to set the alarm the night before for Saturday at 7AM)
Here's the line up of activities:
7AM: (Alarm goes off) Listen to Ranger Bill (from bed)
7:30AM (think about getting up) Listen to Jungle Jame (from bed)
8AM: Listen to Adventures in Odessey (While at the kitchen table eating pancakes)
8:30AM: Listen to Down Gillead Lane (while helping do the dishes)
9AM: Switch radio from KJOL (the Christian station) to NPR.
Listen to Car Talk and Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. (Laugh. Even when you don't get the jokes.)
Mid morning to mid afternoon: Play outside in the dirt.
After lunch: Listen to Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion.
Interim: Listen to book on tapes from the library.
Optional evening listening: Stay up late for the BBC News.
Like I said.
We. Love. Listening.
20 years later, not much has changed.
Of course, in our teens, Myspace (and then Youtube) added some new listening options. And then podcasts starting popping up. We were stoked about that. By 8 and 12 we were faithful listeners to This American Life (and still are. Thanks, Ira). And of course, then came Spotify and that was life changing.
These days we listen to less radio and more podcasts.... we tried to do the math...if you listen to 10-20 podcasts a week, how much time is that?
I mean...I already told you. Not much has changed. We really love listening.
The Sister Sister Podcast is the place where we collect stories from our journey, and of the journeys of those around us. This is the place where we listen, explore, and seek to learn. And now, for the first time ever... we are sharing that with you.